Watch the replay of the E Alu session.
10:00 am | E Alu: Strengthening our cohesion and connection

How can we alu? By creating and forwarding common goals—the fibers that make our nae durable, the vibes that make our nae welo.
What do we mean in our nuʻukia and ala nuʻukia when we say “Hawaiian education system” and “aloha ‘āina leader?”
Kanaeokana members worked hard on two documents that explain these big ideas and help us to vibe in sync throughout our nae.
Check ‘em out and see what you think:

Things you need for this sesh…
- Familiarize yourself before the ʻaha with the Palapala ‘Ōnaehana Ho‘ona‘auao.
- Familiarize yourself before the ʻaha with the Palapala Ho‘oulu Aloha ‘Āina

E Alu!
On April 30th, 2021, Kanaeokana participants voted to adopt the Palapala ‘Ōnaehana Hoʻona’auao Hawaiʻi as a living document to guide their work together.
Reflect and share: How are you growing aloha ‘āina leaders in your community? How are we doing it across the pae ‘āina? Share your manaʻo on the social media platform of your choice. Use da hashtag #ahakuka