12:15 pm | ‘Aina awakea, Ho‘omaha, film fest

Grab something to eat. Take a break. Get up and stretch. Hang out on Zoom. Or head to InSpace to watch and discuss some films while you feast (or fast?). Seating is limited (25 per theater) so get there quick! If the theater you want is full, try a different one or check back again in a little while, as the films will be re-screened as time allows.
- Theater 1: “This Is the Way We Rise”
Filmmaker Ciara Lacy documents Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio, a Kanaka Maoli wahine poet, activist and academic, and her continued work towards justice for Hawaii’s native population. - Theater 2: “Hawaiian Soul”
Filmmakers ‘Āina Paikai and Kaliko Mai‘i present their narrative short-film, based on the true story of Hawaiian hero, George Jarrett Helm Jr. It is a tribute to the legacy of a leader and artist that used his voice to inspire a revolution of consciousness. - Theater 3: “Mālama Honua: Teaching Tomorrow’s Navigators”
The Kealaiwikuamo‘o Network Engagement team shares the story of how a tiny school in Waimānalo is doing big things for the community, both locally and globally.

Things you need for this sesh…
Watch the replay of the intro to the film fest.
Reflect and share: How can we use media to amplify our perspectives and stories? Why is it important for us to be the ones telling those stories? Who are some of your favorite kānaka storytellers or scribes? Let’s talk about it! Use da hashtag #ahakuka and share your thoughts on your social media platform of choice.