Watch the replay of the E Ahu session.
10:30 am | E Ahu: Building our visions, forming project ideas

What are a few aspects of the Palapala ‘Ōnaehana Hoʻonaʻauao Hawaiʻi that you would love to bring to life, through the added mana of other parts of our nae? In other words, what would be a dream Kanaeokana project you’d want to pursue?
Dream big like you did when you were a keiki!
Part 1: Use your crayons to draw on our nae a few simple images or symbols that capture parts of your big vision.
Part 2: Head to a small break out room. Kama‘ilio with your hoaloha to flesh out your ideas. (25 mins)
- Take turns to share your ki‘i and your project idea
- Provide feedback to one another.
- Let folks know if you or others in your kula/hui might want to engage in a project.

Things you need for this sesh…
- AK2021 Card Deck: Card with the light gray nae (card #10) printed on it
- AK2021 Card Deck: Card with the red flow chart on it (card #11)
- Crayons or something to draw with (at least a few different colors)
- Familiarize yourself before the ʻaha with the Palapala ‘Ōnaehana Ho‘ona‘auao
- Familiarize yourself before the ʻaha with the Palapala Ho‘oulu Aloha ‘Āina
Art Activity: What are a few aspects of the Palapala ‘Ōnaehana Hoʻonaʻauao Hawaiʻi that you would love to bring to life, through the added mana of other parts of our nae? Visualize it! Draw, sketch, color, paint, sculpt, snap a photo, make a video, or haku a mele to capture your vision, and then share it on the social media platform of your choice. Use da hashtag #naeart

E Ahu! Visualize the Possibilities
Can you see the nae coming together? Use Twitter or Instagram, tag your project idea with the hashtag #naeart, and we’ll make sure it gets woven in below!