Education Leaders
Kula & Organizations
Array of supporters (KS)
On January 12, 2018 42 leaders and supporters of ʻōlelo Hawai‘i, Hawaiian culture, and ʻāina based education met to 1) solidify the formation of their kula Hawai‘i network and 2) forward collaborations among their organizations.
*Additional invitees had scheduling conflicts but voiced an interest in joining future meetings.
Here’s a summary of the day’s activities:
He hoʻohāliʻaliʻa: Remembering Jerry Konanui
(Kaipo’i Kelling) |
ʻAnakala Jerry Konanui’s urging that we always remember and mālama kūpuna kalo–as shared by his long-time friend and mentee Kaipo‘i Kelling–offered everyone a beautiful and inspiring metaphor for the work of Kanaeokana. |
Introductions of Kealaiwikuamoʻo staff
(Kēhau, Andrea, Gonzo, Pilialoha) |
How does our network work? (Malia Nobrega-Olivera) |
A short game of Kahoot! Reminded the group about how Kanaeokana functions:
Contributing to Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawaiʻi (Eōmailani Kūkahiko) |
E ‘ōlelo Hawaiʻi kākou! Supporting kaiāulu efforts to ‘ōlelo Hawaiʻi.
Updates from the Kōmike Hoʻokele retreat (Olani Lilly, Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier, Mahina Paishon-Duarte) |
The Kōmike Hoʻokele shared highlights of their 2-day retreat activities:
Affirming, refining Kanaeokana shared pathways (Olani Lilly, Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier, Mahina Paishon-Duarte) |
Kanaeokana’s six work group kōmike discussed the Kōmike Hoʻokele identified pathways.
Work Group Kōmike S.M.A.R.T. goal refinement, development | Connecting pathways and S.M.A.R.T. goals
ʻAina awakea | Time to ho’olauna and build pilina |
Announcements | Kamehameha Publishing Director Ron Cox shared a display of resource materials available through KPub. He reminded participants that a 60% Hawaiʻi educational institution discount is available on all KPub products.
Ke Ea Hawaiʻi and Ku‘i Ka Lono Organizer, Trevor Atkins, shared about the upcoming April 18-20 Ku‘i Ka Lono plans. |
Zones of Innovation Spotlight: Presentation by Hawaiian Focused Charter Schools Culturally Relevant Assessments (CRA) Steering Committee representatives (Charlene Hoe, Meahilahila Kelling, Denise Espania, Allyson Tamura, Mahina Paishon-Duarte, Lydia Trinidad, and Michael Sarmiento) | The Hawaiian focused charter school CRA Steering Committee shared their CRA Kula Hoʻāmana presentation, engaging Kanaeokana participants in sharing feedback and considering the relationship between the CRA work and Kanaeokana’s goals. Their presentation centered on three focal areas of work:
Responses from Kanaeokana participants indicated a high relevance of this work to the goals of Kanaeokana. |
Kealaiwikuamoʻo Network Engagement update (Ryan Gonzalez) |
Updates provided by Kealaiwikuamoʻo’s Network Engagement team:
2020 Festival of Pacific Arts (Hōkūlani Holt) |
Hōkūlani Holt shared another result of the Kōmike Hoʻokele 2-day retreat: A meeting with Vicky Takamine regarding plans for the 2020 Festival of Pacific Arts.
Hōkūlani shared about the history and significance of FestPac, as well as opportunities for kula to engage with FestPac:
Pau ka hālāwai | Hoʻolauna time at Ka Waiwai! |
- Save the date(s)! April 27, 2018; July 20, 2018!
- The six kōmike will continue meeting to forward their work streams.
- The Kōmike Ho‘okele will be meeting prior to the next Kanaeokana Plenary Meeting